Transforming emptiness into art, bottled expressions evoke beauty in confined spaces, capturing creativity within glass confines
Plant products grown with love
Plant products grown with love
₹650.00 ₹550.00
Transforming emptiness into art, bottled expressions evoke beauty in confined spaces, capturing creativity within glass confines
Transforming emptiness into art, bottled expressions evoke beauty in confined spaces, capturing creativity within glass confines
Simply make sure they have adequate ventilation and nourishment by fertilising them regularly. Plants like common ivy, spider plant, purple heart, coleus and sweet potato vine can be grown in glass jars or bottles. You can use ropes, vines and paint to decorate the bottles
Simply make sure they have adequate ventilation and nourishment by fertilising them regularly. Plants like common ivy, spider plant, purple heart, coleus and sweet potato vine can be grown in glass jars or bottles. You can use ropes, vines and paint to decorate the bottles
Transforming emptiness into art, bottled expressions evoke beauty in confined spaces, capturing creativity within glass confines
Transforming emptiness into art, bottled expressions evoke beauty in confined spaces, capturing creativity within glass confines
Simply make sure they have adequate ventilation and nourishment by fertilising them regularly. Plants like common ivy, spider plant, purple heart, coleus and sweet potato vine can be grown in glass jars or bottles. You can use ropes, vines and paint to decorate the bottles
Simply make sure they have adequate ventilation and nourishment by fertilising them regularly. Plants like common ivy, spider plant, purple heart, coleus and sweet potato vine can be grown in glass jars or bottles. You can use ropes, vines and paint to decorate the bottles
A Glass Garden: Cultivating beauty within the confines of a bottle.
Hostas are some of the easiest plants to grow outdoors. They have varying colours from green to blue and more.
Chromatic Poetry: Brushstrokes of emotion bottled in a canvas of glass.
The Peace Lily plant has striking leaves and beautiful flowers, thriving in indirect light. You should avoid overwatering and water only when the soil is dry.
Geraniums can withstand scorching summers with low watering. They keep going from strength to strength in most gardens
Transforming emptiness into art, bottled expressions evoke beauty in confined spaces, capturing creativity within glass confines
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